Saturday, March 17, 2012

Car Shopping, and Banana Leaf Dinner

Today we went car shopping. I'm sure it will get old seeing me say "it was an experience" about everything, but yet again it was crazy. The cars here are about as safe as tin cans, and surprisingly expensive. You can't test-drive them either, as there are no car lots.. at least with cars on them! The standard practice is to make an appointment to see a specific car, and if a dealer can find one, then you can test drive it. Other than that.. it's all by individual order.
Ryan made contact with a car dealer about a week ago, and so far he's helped Ryan figure everything else out EXCEPT what car to buy. He took Ryan furniture shopping, took him to lunch, etc.. I think they're more friends now than anything else, it's funny. We drove a local car today (well, from Indonesia) and I think I broke the bottom of the car while taking a speed bump too fast (fast, as in 8 MPH). It's frustrating to think a piece of junk costs so much! To put things in perspective, a new Camry costs 175,000-200,000 MYR (that's approx $58-66k)!!!! WOW! We'll continue to search...

After car shopping (not sure I should even call it that), we went to dinner in Bangsar Village, at the Banana Leaf. It was the first time I actually embraced asia cuisine, and it wasn't too bad. It's a very unique restaurant, where everything is served on these huge banana leaves, and most people were eating with their hands (a standard practice here, as most people are Indian). Mads only ate some white rice, and wasn't open to trying anything else on the leaf. "It's too spicy" she would say.. and for the most part I'd have to agree. I know we ordered some type of chicken dish, but I couldn't tell you what anything else was. I tried everything (mainly to appease Ryan), and I'll probably have to take pepto later.
We walked around the village after dinner, then got some mango sorbet for dessert which she quickly inhaled. I found this cool kitchen store, kind of like Sur La Table back home, and bought Mads a set of "learning chopsticks" - they are these pink chopsticks attached to a little rubber holder at the top (in the shape of a child waving) so it's easier for her to learn to eat with them. Ryan may need a set too : )


  1. WOW did great describing everything. You're a good writer.
    Mango sorbet! I love Mango! There is nothing like a fresh mango shake. Tell Maddy mango is Papa's favorite.
    Glad you guys are off to a great start.

  2. Tiffany, I'm really excited for you, Ryan, and Madison. KL is my mom's favorite place, so I know you're going to have so many adventures! Madison is adorable and I know you're going to come up with some great recipes that I'm sure Darlene with try out back here!
    Lots of Love!
