Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Masseuse chat (this one is for the ladies)

I'm happy to report I found us a really good masseuse that comes to our house once a week, conducting 90 minute massages for Ryan & I, for about the price of a three Sprinkles cupcakes. Yes, I'm rubbing it in for all you Americans : )   

I had a very interesting conversation with my masseuse last night, regarding Malay traditions in childbirth.   

(full disclosure: if you're struggling shedding your post-preggo baby weight, I would advise not reading any further or you may end up in tears.. ya know, hormones & all..)

As most of you know, I've had severe back problems for years, and have had a few scary episodes of my herniated discs flaring up and not being able to walk for a few days. When I told this to my masseuse I unintentionally opened up her Pandora's box of eastern remedies for every physical ailment you can think of. This lady is intense. It took her 15 minutes just to explain how she makes her "home-made herbal massage oils", and the proper way to apply them for the utmost benefit. Sold - it works! 

Then somehow we stumbled onto the topic of childbirth, and how the Malay women do things... 

The Malay women are very disciplined (not as much as the Chinese though, she said). They go into "confinement" for 44 days after giving birth. They don't leave the house, entertain guests, etc.. Their sole 'jobs' are to heal and feed the baby. Their mother typically lives with them during that time to ensure they are following the strict Malay diet and treatment plan after giving birth.. and she said these mommas are NOT to be messed with. The goal of the 44 days of confinement is to look and feel 100% back to you pre-baby self by the time you reach the forty-forth day. How have I never heard of this before???

The day the new mom comes home from the hospital after having a baby, the masseuse comes to the house to give the first post-baby massage. It's typically 2 hours, and involves a full body massage with special emphasis on the abdomen. The mother continues this every 3 days during the period of confinement. The process of massaging the abdomen releases all the extra blood, water, and toxins, that are left in the mother's body after giving birth. This expedites the healing process so the uterus & belly fat shrink faster, the hormone levels go back to normal quicker, and the body starts to heal faster due to the increased circulation. 

They have a VERY strict diet, which consists of soups / seafood / veggies; and they can only drink warm water and teas. I'm still unsure about why only warm fluids.. she said it had something to do with cold drinks will slow down the metabolism process or something... I couldn't get a perfect translation on this. 

And get this - the Chinese women only get a confinement period of 30 days!!!! It's incredible to think these women are so pressured to be back to "normal" within a month of giving birth. But, when I look around at all the new moms here, I am a believer in their process. They don't look like they just gave birth - it's amazing, and a little sickening all at the same time. I love them for their discipline, and hate them because they can accomplish the seemingly impossible. 

All I know is, if we end up having a baby while in Malaysia I WILL be adopting the Malay method of confinement. A white girl needs to put this theory to the test... 


  1. Whoa! That sounds intense. But very, very interesting.. Please do have a baby while you guys are there so you can give us a full report! :)

    Hope you are well! Dustin passed along your blog, so I'll be following along. I am in awe of you guys for picking up and moving across the world. What an amazing adventure!


    1. Hi Aja - I'm so glad you're following our blog! I love seeing your comments (feels like I'm still connected, somehow, back home) so thank you! You're daughter is so beautiful. Doesn't it seem like you had her yesterday?? Time totally goes by too fast. I hope you guys are doing well. Come visit us!!! : ) ha

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